Meet our members

Meet our members

The Danish Bar and Law Society

The Danish Bar and Law Society oversees all of Denmark’s lawyers. The association works to uphold citizen's legal rights, a well-functioning rule of law and the independence of lawyers.

The Association of Danish Law Firms

The Association of Danish Law Firms is a trade association for Danish law firms. They work to develop and strengthen individual businesses and the legal profession as a whole, for the benefit of the industry and of society, through public debates on law and legal rights.

The Association of Danish Media

The Association of Danish Media is the private, professional medias voice in relation to Danish and international authorities, and work with all kind of questions of relevance to the media.
The Association of Danish Media is the focal point for 300 media companies with overall around 1.000 media channels. The members distribute content on all kind of platforms: daily papers, magazines, weeklies, internet media, journals, special media, weekly newspapers, radio and television.


Fiberalliancen is part of Green Power Denmark and is a trade association for companies that own, operate and use socially critical fiber networks and high-speed telecommunications infrastructure.

The Danish Chamber of Commerce

The Danish Chamber of Commerce is a trade and employers’ association that works to improve the competitiveness of its member companies by providing advice and representing companies’ political interests in dealings with all government authorities.

The Confederation of Danish Industry

DI (the Confederation of Danish Industry) is a private-sector trade and employers’ association representing 10,000 companies in Denmark. DI provides advisory services, networking and representation of political interests to support the interests and operations of their members in various markets.

The Danish IT Society

The Danish IT Society is a membership association for IT professionals that works to support IT in society by setting political and professional agendas in the field of IT and by supporting the IT competencies of individual IT users and professionals.


DKUUG (Dansk Unix User Group) is a Danish IT association whose purpose is to support and disseminate knowledge about open source systems, standards and software that primarily use Unix, BSD and Linux-based systems with open source software in Denmark.

The e-mark

The e-mark is the Danish guarantee for secure, transparent online shopping. The e-mark certifies the good webshops and works to strengthen Danish e-commerce for the greater good of us all. For businesses, this means a boost for both the shop and the bottom line. The e-mark is founded by a broad variety of organisations, ranging from the Danish Consumer Council to the Confederation of Danish Enterprise.

Finance Denmark

Finance Denmark is an interest group for banks in Denmark. The association plays a role in political decisions of importance to the banks’ business conditions.

The Danish Consumer Council (Tænk)

The Danish Consumer Council (Tænk) is a membership organisation with more than 70,000 individual members and 31 member organisations. They advocate consumer rights and work to improve conditions for consumers in relation to relevant organisations and authorities in Denmark.

The Danish Cable Television Association

The Danish Cable Television Association is an interest group for 195 user-owned cable television systems in Denmark that deliver television and radio signals, internet and IP telephony to the systems’ members.

The Danish Association of Hotels and Restaurants (HORESTA)

Horesta is the hotel, restaurant and tourism industry’s Danish trade and employers’ association, with approximately 1,800 members. They work to ensure political influence and representation of the interests of the tourism and experience industry.

The Danish IT Industry Association (ITB)

ITB is a membership organisation that works to create a digital society that utilises the full potential of technology for the benefit of the economy and citizens. The association supports a professional IT industry that contributes to growth and development in a digital Denmark.


RettighedsAlliancen is a special interest group, representing over 100,000 Danish rights holders in the film, music, literature and design industries. The organisation works to ensure fair business terms and frameworks for members’ products on digital platforms, with the aim of securing the commercial basis for their future activities and existence.

The Digital Security Council

The Digital Security Council is an independent member organization working to promote a free and digital society for everyone. They work to ensure that Denmark remains a digital nation with a good balance between efficient use of modern technology, protection against digital threats and the individuals right to privacy.

Digitalt Ansvar

Digitalt Ansvar is a knowledge center for digital violations and digital violence. Since 2017, they have worked to combat and prevent the shadowy sides of digitalization - by developing and disseminating knowledge and by bringing together professionals, researchers, and organizations in a collaboration for more digital responsibility.


TI is a trade association that works to improve the framework conditions for the Danish telecommunications companies. A positive development in the telecommunications market is a prerequisite for us to be able to live up to the political objectives of making Denmark one of the world's most competitive societies and thereby ensuring the welfare of the future.



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Our members represent the internet community

Our members represent one of the following three segments:

  • Private users
  • Professional users
  • Suppliers

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